First, copies of my autrebiographies Words Out of Time arrived from Knives Forks and Spoons in time for my reading in Brighton, which will now become my hometown launch for it - and I hope to see Lee Harwood and Adrian Clarke and other friends there (and visit my mother in Southwick); then copies of Patricia's Space Completely Filled with Matter arrived from Veer. That looks very professional with fine reproduction values. That will be launched at the next Storm and Golden Sky on 29th May. So a double pleasure. I will blog about both books when I've more time after the Brighton trip. (That reading, my book, Patricia's folder, and Storm and Golden Sky are all featured on Pages.) Details of both books and how to obtain them soon! (Read my peice on writing part one, The Given, here.)
This comes on the back of much chatter about Salt publications slimming down its list. My Companion to Lee Harwood has disappeared, which is a shame, as has Tin Pan Arcadia, although that is republished in Complete Twentieth Century Blues, which is still on the catalogue (though I am not), but described as 'out of stock'. I am wondering whether the three paperback copies I have are the complete run of the paperback edition I mentioned some posts ago.(No: it can be bought second hand through booksellers associated with Amazon.)
Also in the post (I mean the mail) was the latest book by Derek Attridge which re-visits his The Singularity of Literature. I can see already that, however minimally I can do it, I will have to acknowedge it in my critical book, The Meaning of Form, which I think of as finished. Again, this is well-blogged about here, as is its debt to that essential book. There are a number of outtakes and thoughts on that to come.
It is also good to see (even an hour ago, here: South Coast resident Tom Raworth blogging again.
The only thing these things have in common is that they incompletely change everything.