So far, the collaborations, either finished or currently
underway, have been with colleagues, old friends, new friends, young poets, and female poets. I couple I’d not met before. Recent methods
of collaboration range from two words at a time (with Philip Terry), whole
lines (with Joanne Ashcroft) to whole poems (Kelvin Corcoran and S.J. Fowler).
Some (with Jèssica Pujol i Duran and Alys Conran) leave me not quite sure who
wrote what. Some were slow, and some (like Alan Baker) were really fast! Some
are jests (with Tom Jenks); some poignant (with Jason Argleton). Every poet is
now assigned and there are only a few to finish. Poets with no names next to them were created singly by me (they are the ones already featured as Rene Van Valckenborch's own inventions in A Translated Man and they are also featured together here.
The links below weill take you to their EU(OIA) pleadings and their biographies, or occasionally other sources.
Croatia Martina Marković (1982-)
with James Byrne (and Damir Sodan) (see here)
Austria Sophie Poppmeier (1981-) with Jason Argleton (see here)
Belgium Paul Coppens (1980-) with Philip Terry (see here)
Bulgaria Ivaylo Dimitrov (1979-) with Patricia
Farrell (see here)
Czech Republic
Jitka Průchová (1978-) (see here)
Denmark Trine Kragelund (1979-) (see here)
Estonia Hermes (1975-) with Rupert
Loydell (see here where there's a link to our full collaboration)
Finland Minna Kärkkäinen (1974-) with Allen Fisher (see here)
Greece Eua Ionnou (1971-) with Kelvin Corcoran (see here)
Hungary Ratsky József (1970-) with
Jeff Hilson (see here)
Italy Lucia Ciancaglini (1968-2010) (See here for publication details and an unfinished poem)
Latvia Jānis Raups (1967?-) with Simon Perril (see here)
Lithuania Jurgita Zujūtė (1966-) (See here and read one of her poems)
Luxembourg Georg Bleinstein (1965-2046)
with Tom Jenks (See here for his short biography and some illustrations, featuring Sabrina, Group Captain Carol Vorderman and sausage manufacture)
Malta Hubert Zuba (1964-2015; he
died in the middle of Scott and me reading his poem, as can be seen here) with Scott Thurston (yet to be linked)
Netherlands Maarten De Zoete (1963-)
with God’s Rude Wireless (a cut up machine).
Poland Jaroslav Biały (1962-) with
Anamaria Crowe Serrano (see here for information and a further link)
Portugal Ana Cristina Pessao (1961-)
with Jessica Pujol (see here)
Romania Sultana Nemoianu (1960-)
with Robert Hampson (see here)
Slovakia Matúš Dobeš (1959-) with Joanne Ashcroft (see here)
Slovenia A.B.C. Remič (1958-) with Alan Baker (read the two poems we created here). I also pause to consider the murder of Jo Cox MP during the EU Campaign and the role of this 'mad caper' here.
Spain Cristòfol Subira (1957-) with Alys Conran (see here for biography and video of us reading the poems)
United Kingdom Robert Sheppard
(1955-) with myself! (See here, principally, eventually, but here as well)
bonus track (outside the EU and
Frisland Hróbjartur Ríkeyjarson af
Dvala (1948- ) with Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl (see here)
The result of this mad caper is the developing anthology, which I hope will be published.
I am also posting posts about the project on my blog, beginning here.
In the run up to the EU referendum I will be posting daily pleas from these
poets for the Bremain campaign (except Hermes, who will recommend leaving), or
actually to stop me being chucked out of my own fictional organisation!
If you think this book will be the end of it, it won’t. I’m already
contemplating turning the EUOIA-idea inside out, and writing (by myself) a
fictional collaboration between two of the poets, Sophie Poppmeier and Trine
SJ Fowler (see 1956 above) has his own post here.
SJ Fowler (see 1956 above) has his own post here.
I am
pleased to announce that Shearsman Books has published the EUOIA poets as
Twitters for a Lark. Here's the cover. Buy here: