Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Proof is in the Post (not the pudding!)


I can never muster the enthusiasm that I see in the faces of younger writers with their earliest books, as they open a box of books. We didn't have videos in those days (very little film of linguistically innovative poets at all, which is why I loved posting videos of the 'English Strain' poems as I wrote them, see below). I have still some proof reading to do and then British Standards and The Necessity of Poetics will both be available from Shearsman. In fact, they (and all my other books) are advertised and ready for order here anyway: Sheppard, Robert ( 

This video shows me juggling with Keats, both with one of his sonnets, and, in performance, with his life mask. Enjoy. You may get British Standards here  Shearsman Books buy Robert Sheppard - When Bad Times Made for Good Poetry, (despite the title on the link, and you can read how it felt in the middle of compsing these most contemporary of poems, here: Pages: Robert Sheppard: 14 Standards from British Strandards is complete as one sonnet appears at the virtual WOW Festival 2020 (hub post) 

Friday, July 05, 2024

British Standards (Shearsman) is on the horizon over which the Tories have slipped (cover reveal)

 BRITISH STANDARDS is now available:

This  photograph so much seems to bring, into the realm of reality, everything I was producing as parody and satire, in writing the third volume of 'The English Strain' project, British Standards that will be published next month. In some ways the above image is a secret 'cover' (in several senses) though the actual cover with an image by Patricia Farrell,  is revealed here for the first time.

 Pages: Transpositions of Hartley Coleridge: the end of British Standards (and of The English Strain project) ( will take you to a post (with videos) in which I consider the whole project, although it wasn't quite as finished as I thought it was, as I explained in a later post: Pages: The Horrible Thought that Bo mioght be back: only The Bard could save me now! (