'Robert Sheppard' in Brussels |
Good afternoon everyone: the
EUOIA has just taken part in a giant democratic
exercise, perhaps the biggest in our literary history.
Over 33 million people from England,
Scotland, Wales, Northern
Ireland, Gibraltar and the Isle of
Wight have all had their say.
We should be proud of the fact that in these islands we trust the people
(who were wrong) for these little decisions, and the poets who sing them.
We not only have a parliamentary democracy (with an unelected upper house
and a hereditary monarchy), but on questions about the arrangements for how
we've made stanza breaks and enjambements, there are times when it is right to
ask the people themselves (although they are not sovereign as they are in a
country like Ireland) and that is what we have done.
The British people have voted with their poetic feet to leave the
European Union of ImaginaryAuthors and their will must be respected. I’m off.
I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the
argument, including all those who put aside national differences to poeticize
in what they believe was the national interest and let me congratulate all
those who took part in the Leave campaign for the spirited and passionately
murderous case that they made. (This doesn’t include
Hermes, of course, or
Matus Thingybobby from Slovakia,
who could at least have got out of bed for the vote. More
The will of the British poets is an instruction that must be delivered. And
re-delivered at a convenient time, if there’s nobody in.
It was not a decision that was taken slightly, not least because so many
rhymes were said by so many different poets about the significance of this
So there can be no doubt about the result. (Hang on, what was the result?)
Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made.
I would reassure those literary markets and editorial investors, publishers
and poetry lovers, that Britain's
poetry is fundamentally strong and I would also reassure British poets living
in European countries and European poets living here there will be no immediate
changes in your circumstances (but make sure you have sturdy suitcases and
rolls of US dollars in pairs of socks).
There will be no initial change in the way our poets can write, in the way
our poems can move, or the way our books can be sold. (Well, you don’t actually
sell poetry.)
We must now prepare for a negotiation with the
European Union of ImaginaryAuthors.
This will need to involve the full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland poets to ensure that the
interests of all parts of our United
Kingdom are protected and advanced.
But above all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership
of the EUOIA.
I'm very proud and very honoured to have been president of the EUOIA for six
years, since the disappearance of Rene Van Valckenborch (into drift-sands
according to the latest theory).
I believe we've made great steps, with more people in work as poets than
ever before in our history, with reforms to poetic hygiene and creative writing
education, increasing people's life story chances, building a bigger and
stronger anthology, keeping our promises to the poorest people in the book and
enabling those who love each other to get married whatever their sexuality or
poetic orientation, but above all restoring Britain's poetic strength (while
stamping out doggerel and rhyme).
And I'm grateful to everyone who's helped to make that happen.
I have also always believed that we have to decide to confront the big ducks.
That is why we delivered the first collaborative poetic epic in 70 years, to
bring our body poetic back from the ceasura.
It's why we delivered a fair, legal and decisive referendum in Scotland (where
the makars voted to stay in; whoops: news just in: they want another
And it's why I made the pledge to renegotiate Britain's position in the European
Union of Imaginary Authors and to hold the referendum on our membership and
have carried those things out. (Maybe that wasn’t my best decision, but there
you go.)
I fought this campaign in the only way I know how, which is to lisp tuneless
numbers directly and passionately about what I think and feel - head, heart and
soul. My head is a sponge, my heart is a pump and my soul is the man-made part
of a toy cat (as Roy Fisher says somewhere).
I held nothing back, not even my unbent tummy banana: I was absolutely clear about
my belief that British poetry is stronger, safer and better off inside the
European Union of Imaginary Authors and I made clear the referendum was about
this and this alone - not the future of any single poet including myself (or
But the British people have made a very clear decision to take a different
path and as such I think the Union requires
fresh leadership to take it in this direction.
I will do everything I can as President to steady the spaceship over the
coming weeks and months but I do not think it would be right for me to try to
be the cosmonaut that flies our poets to their next inter-planetary destination.
This is not a decision I've taken slightly but I do believe it's in the
literary interest to have a period of prosodic stability and then the new
laureateship is required (please don’t vote for
There is no need for a precise timetable today (whoops: news just in from
Brussels: they want me to go immediately) but in my view we should aim to have
a new president in place by the Robert Sheppard Symposium at Edge Hill
illUniversity, on March 8
th next year.
(That’s not imaginary, by the way: see
Delivering stability with hemstiches and balanced periods in duple rhythm will
be important and I will continue in post as president with my not so-solid crew
of literary co-productions for some while. I expect to be removed from the main
body of the anthology to the appendix, which, since I am at the end of the book
anyway, effectively means simply moving the border (I mean section break)
between the main body and the appendix.
The 27 remaining poets (including those deceased) will meet on Monday, the Governor of
the Blank Verse of England is making a statement about the steps that the Blank
Verse and the Literary Golden Treasury are taking to reassure poetry markets.
We will also continue taking forward the important legislation that we set
before the meeting in Malmo
of the Imaginary Authors in the European Laureate’s Speech. (That’s
SophiePoppmeier, who is also professionally known as Angela Merkin, but that's another story.)
And I have spoken to
Ms Poppmeier this morning to advise her of the steps
that I am taking.
A negotiation with the
European Union of Imaginary Authors will need to begin
under a new president and I think it's right that this new poet-shaman takes
the decision about when to trigger Article 50 and start the formal and legal
process of leaving the EUOIA.
I will attend the EUOIA council next week to explain the decision the
British people have taken and my own decision, and I shall remind them of the
slim margin of victory for the Brexiteers.
The British people have made a choice, that not only needs to be respected
but those on the losing side of the argument - myself included - should help to
make it rhyme.
Britain is a ‘special’ country - we
have so many great advantages - a parliamentary democracy where we resolve
great issues about our future through peaceful debate, a great trading nation
with our science and arts, our engineering and our creativity, respected the
world over, and UNPOP testifies to that. (That is: the United Nations Platform of Poetry
(UNPOP), which is drawn from the approximately 200 nations (and disputed territories) of
the world.)
And while we are not perfect (though we have perfect beauty and perfect
pitch) I do believe we can be a model for the multi-racial, multi-faith
democracy, that people can come and make a contribution and rise to the very
highest that their writing talent allows.
Although leaving the EUOIA was not the path I recommended, I am the first to
praise our incredible writerly strengths. It's back to a thin slice of parkin and a slim vol by Larkin! (See
I said before that Britain
can survive outside the
European Union of Imaginary Authors and indeed that we
could find a sonnet or two to ennoble ourselves.
Now the decision has been made to leave, we need to find the best way and I
will do everything I can to help, so long as
Hermes is not elected as my
replacement. (Read his effusions
I love this country house and I feel honoured to have served it and I will do
everything I can in future to help this great anthology we have assembled together to succeed. We are marching forward to the completion of the project very shortly, and nothing Hermes can do will wreck it now. Be assured we stand firm.
Thank you very much for the Aintree Iron. Thank you very much, thank you
very very very much.
Robert Sheppard’, president of the
European Union of Imaginary Authors. (Read about the other Robert Sheppard's books
Read Hermes' response to this post
PS Read Tom Jenks' post-Brexit poem
I am
pleased to announce that Shearsman Books will be publishing the EUOIA anthology.
It will be called Twitters for a Lark and will appear in June or July, in time for
the EUOIA evening at The Other Room, Manchester.