Sunday, September 01, 2013

Julie Tippetts/Juxtavoices review

Read my review of Julie Tippetts' and Martin Archer's Serpentine and Juxtavoices' Juxt another anti-choir from Sheffield CDs here, as published on Stride.

Read David Kennedy's review of Juxtavoices (also on Stride) here.

Listen to excerpts from the Tippetts/Archer here, and to excerpts from Juxtavoices here. They are both excellent CDs as my review declares.

As I say (because I think it's relevant) Julie Tippetts was once Julie Driscoll, one of the iconic singers of the 1960s, Here she is performing one of my favourites with Brian Augur and the Trinity, 'Road to Cairo'. Below that is a video of her more recently performing with Keith Tippetts and Paul Dunmall.

Here is a video of Juxtavoices, rehearsing. Enjoy!