of a Writing Studies Coordinator (Abridged Version)
(The longer version of the 'credo', a document aimed at teachers of Creative Writing, appears
I believe all students of creative writing should be inaugurated
in the activity of poetics, since it is, of necessity, a self-sustaining part
of all writerly process, born of the critical need to change practice. I
believe the higher education student should be enabled to make this discourse
in its most explicit forms and, to some degree, to study it.
If students are taught explicitly
what poetics is and does, and to situate themselves in a field of cultural production,
through critical exercises like Reading as a Writer, and even to study a
particular writer’s poetics, if they are asked to use and feed these activities
into a writer’s journal and in the self-assessment process, and if this has a
more pronounced role in the explicit recording and developing of poetics, any
‘commentary’ or ‘reflection’ that results will be automatically poetics-oriented,
and of more use to the writer.
The hybrid and intermittent nature
of poetics outside of the pedagogic environment suggests new possibilities for
the making of hybrid texts within it, particularly for the production of works
which heal the creative writing-literary theory divide. In producing poetics,
one always speaks as a writer, explicitly identifies oneself as a maker
of literary works. It is itself an act of self-definition embedded in a process
of self-organisation, that makes a permanent mark upon the page.
Some Conclusions
I have glossed over many works of poetics in this piece; it has
been less my desire to evaluate Sidney, Eliot, DuPlessis or Joris, than to
situate them in a continuous, continuing discourse, that may be both studied in
its own right and developed in terms of writing practice (inside and outside
the academy). It would be easy to take issue here and there: but that seems
almost beside the point, if we fail to read those ideas doubly. We must
recognise, as Mays did of TS Eliot, for example, the relation of poetics to
writing inherent in what are still too willingly taken to be literary critical
constructs. Read in this new way these ideas lose nothing of their power – a
discourse is a power construct, of course – but neither do they achieve a
measure of invulnerability. They simply need to be discussed in the spirit of
poetics, where use and permission, experiment and play, are as important as
philosophical cogency or the (mis)matching of concept and product. Finally, I
hope that any study of poetics is concerned not just with furthering the study
of poetics, but with the active production of poetics as a speculative
discourse for writers in order to further the arts of writing.
February-March 1999/August 2000/April 2002/revised March 2011
Return to part one (and an index to all parts of The
Necessity of Poetics) here.
This piece, along with others, on, of, or about
poetics, appears in my 2024 Shearsman book The Necessity of Poetics.
Details here: Pages:
The Necessity of Poetics - out now! (
1. ‘Poiesis’, writes Gerald F. Else, of
Aristotle’s Poetics, ‘is the actual process of composition ... is the
activation, the putting to work of poietike.’ (Aristotle 1970: p 79)
Poetics is not
Aesthetics. Aesthetics is a contemplative analytic of art: what is art? what is
beauty? what is the sublime?
Poetics is not
Rhetoric. Rhetoric is to do with the laws of composition, not with the lore (or
lure) of writing.
2. Poetics within literary studies is used
by structuralists like Todorov, (Introduction to Poetics) or by Bakhtin
(The Problem of Dostoyevsky’s Poetics) or even Harold Bloom, to speak of
a theory of making that properly belongs to literary criticism. (It is common
to read of the poetics of the novel, or of feminist biography, in this sense.)
Poetics has also found many uses to describe various non-literary or even
non-artistic kinds of making: in psychiatry to describe the making of self
(autopoesis); in musicology to describe the compositional (poietic) dimension
of music. Titles like Bachelard’s The Poetics of Fire adorn philosophy
3. Bernstein writes: ‘Equally at play in
the context of poetics is the political and social situation, including the
social configuration of poetry [writing] in terms of distribution, publishing,
capitalization, jobs, awards, reviews.’ (Bernstein 1992: 157)
4. Looking for a book to put the slips of
paper containing the above ‘definitions’ of poetics safely in, I took down one
containing some uncollected essays by Robert Duncan. One, entitled ‘The Poetics
of Music: Stravinsky’ (1948) begins with a slightly overpassive definition but
one which reminds us of the term’s use in the other arts: ‘Poetics is the
contemplation of the meaning of form: it is what is common to painting, music,
sculpture and poetry. Poiein, Stravinsky reminds us, means to make.
We might keep in mind that in the days of William Dunbar the poets were the
Makaris.’ (Faas 1983: 335)
5. Poetics at one limit is apoetics,
formulations that deconstruct poetics, as the continuous lower case typography
on the extra titlepage of Bernstein’s A Poetics suggests: ‘ a p o e t i
c s’. (Bernstein 1992: vii). In this sense, poetics must eat itself! At another limit is anti-poetics, a discourse
that accompanies the practice of not, or no longer, writing, as in the
pronouncements of Laura Riding (see Seymour Smith 1970) or John Hall’s ‘Writing
and Not Writing’ (in Riley 1992:41-49). See may essay on the latter in Sheppard
2011, ‘The Price of Houses the Cost of Food: The Poetics of Not Writing’:
55-67. Other essays in this volume treat the poetics of Ken Edwards and Maggie
O’Sullivan, as well as the communal poetics of the Poetry Society 1976 and the
cultural poetics of Iain Sinclair. Also of note is: ‘Poetics as Conjecture and
Provocation: an inaugural lecture delivered on 13 March 2007 at Edge Hill
University’, New
Writing. Vol 5: 1 (2008): 3-26.
6. MacGann argues that ‘Literary criticism
too often likes to transform the critical illusions of poetry into the
worshipped truths of cultures’. (MacGann 1983: 135) In poetry ‘we can to a
degree, observe as well our own ways of thinking and feeling from an alien
point of view. That alienated vantage, which is poetry’s critical gift to every
future age, permits us a brief glimpse at our world and our selves.’ (MacGann
1983: 66) Perhaps a similar critical function for the writer of contemporary
poetics might reside in the historical poetics outlined above.
Cited across these posts
Allen, D., and Tallman, W., (eds.), 1973, Poetics
of the New American Poetry, New
York: Grove Books.
Allen, Tim
and Duncan, Andrew. Eds. Don’t Start Me
Talking: Interviews with Contemporary Poets. Cambridge: Salt, 2006.
Aristotle, (trans. Else, G.F.), 1970, Poetics:
Michigan: The University of Michigan.
Bernstein, C. 1992, A Poetics, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University
Bradbury, M. 1977,The Novel Today, Glasgow: Collins/Fontana.
Danaher, Geoff, Tony Schirato, and Jen Webb. Understanding Foucault. London,
Thousand Oaks, Delhi: Sage, 2000
DuPlessis, R.B., 1990, The Pink Guitar,
Writing as Feminist Practice, New York and
Eliot, T.S., 1975, Selected Prose, London: Faber and Faber.
Esslin, M. (ed.) 1965, Samuel Beckett,
New Jersey:
Faas, E.,1983, Young Robert Duncan,
Santa Barbara:
Black Sparrow Press.
Foucault, Michel. The
Archaeology of Knowledge London and New York: Routledge
Classics, 2002.
Fisher, A. 1985, Necessary Business,
Fisher, Roy.
Interviews Through Time and Selected
Prose. Kentisbeare: Shearman Books, 2000.
Golding, Alan, ‘Experimental Poetics and/as Pedagogy in eds.
Retallack, J. and Spahr, J. Poetry and Pedagogy. New
York and Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2006.
Joris, P., 1999, Notes Towards a
Nomadic Poetics, Spanner 38.
CJ Jung, quoted by Ezra Pound in Foreword to Selected
Cantos of Ezra Pound, p. 9
Lowry, M. Selected Letters of Malcolm Lowry,
Capricorn Books, New York,
Loydell, R. (ed.) 2009, Troubles
Swapped for Something Fresh: Manifestos and Unmanifestos, Cambridge: Salt.
MacDiarmid, Hugh. 1985. The
Complete Poems (Volumes 1 and 2). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
J, 1983, The Romantic Ideology, Chicago:University of Chicago
Mays, JCC, ‘The Early Poems’ in Moody, AD,
1994, The Cambridge Companion to TS Eliot, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
‘Poetics’: ‘Poetics at Buffalo’, hhttp://wings. accessed 1 March 1999.
Riley, D. (ed.) 1992, Poets on Writing,
Basingstoke and London:
Rabinow, P. (ed.) 1984, The Foucault Reader, London: Penguin.
Romer, S. 1982, ‘Correctives’, PN
Review 27: p 63-64
Jerome. Pre-Faces and Other Writings. New York: New Directions, 1981.
Rothenberg, J., and Joris, P. (eds.) 1995, Poems for the Millennium, Volume One
from Fin-de-Siecle to Negritude, Berkeley
and Los Angeles: University of California
Rothenberg, J., and Joris, P. (eds.) 1998,
Poems for the Millennium, Volume Two from Postwar to Millennium, Berkeley and Los Angles: University of California
Rushdie, S. 1990. Is Nothing Sacred: The Herbert Read Memorial Lecture: 6 February 1990. Granta:
First American Edition. No place of publication.
Seymour Smith, M.,1970, ‘Laura Riding’s
‘Rejection of Poetry’’, The Review , no. 23.
Sheppard, R., 1999a, Far Language,
poetics and linguistically innovative poetry 1978-1997, Exeter: Stride Research Documents.
Sheppard, R. 1999b. ‘The Poetics of
Poetics: Charles Bernstein, Allen Fisher and the poetic thinking that results’,
Symbiosis, 3:4.
Sheppard, R. 2002, The End of the
Twentieth Century: Twentieth Century Blues 63, Liverpool:
Ship of Fools, re-published in Complete
Twentieth Century Blues. Cambridge:
Salt Publishing, 2007.
Note. The
earliest, pedagogically oriented, version of this text was delivered as a paper
at the Creative Writing Conference 1999 at Sheffield Hallam
University, and was first
published in the Proceedings of the conference. A shorter version,
emphasising practical uses for students, was published by Ship of Fools in 1999
solely for distribution amongst Writing Studies MA students at Edge Hill
College of Higher Education, Ormskirk, Lancashire,
UK. Another –
emphasising poetry – was published in Pores, A Ship of Fools
booklet was published in 2002 and was re-printed a number of times. This
updated version has been amended, expanded and abridged in various ways, but
the chief addition is the section ‘Poetics as Discourse’ which was written in
2009. This is a re-presentation (in part) of the 2011 publication.