Thursday, October 12, 2017

Alan Baker: Not the EUOIA: J.A. Torres Gutierrez (1925-1996)

J.A. Torres Gutierrez (1925-1996)

Gutierrez was overlooked for membership of The European Union of Imaginary Authors (EUOIA) in favour of the Catalan poet Cristòfol Subira, and maintained a bitter feud with Subira for the rest of his life. (More on Subira here)

Alan Baker has brought Gutierrez’ poetry to life, and, actually, the man too. Support your unlocal fictional poets! See information on the EUOIA here and here.

Gutierrez Select Bibliography
Canciones / Songs (1947)
Música de cinco / Music at Five (1955)
El legado / The Legacy (1962)
A Las Cinco de la Tarde / At Five O'Clock in the Afternoon (1968)
Medina Ramirez y El Diablo / Medina Ramirez and the Devil (1970)
El árbol marchito / The Withered Tree (1972)
Caminos que andan / Walking Roads (1975)
Rimas y Ritmos / Rhymes and Rhythms (1980)
Vigencia Lejanía / Validity Distance (1983)
Últimos Poemas / Last Poems (1991)

As for the anthology he does not appear in, Twitters for a Lark, my collection of co-authored fictional poets, will be published by Shearsman soon. Another set of proofs have just been read.