Sunday, May 05, 2019

A new review of Twitters for a Lark in Dundee University of the Arts by Annie Runkel

There is a new review of Twitters for a Lark here

Or Annie Runkel, ‘Twitters for a Lark’, Dundee University Review of the Arts.

It is short but astute I thought. Of course, Brexit suffuses all the reviews (although, as Runkel notes, the poems were all written before Brexit happened, or seemed likely). She also reminds readers that this book, the poems of the EUOIA (European Union of Imaginary Authors) is related to one of my previous volumes, A Translated Man. (Which reminds me that there is a third volume, or part, of the project to write one day. I have some ideas.)

The sentence that amused me was: 

In the age of Brexit, getting a group of mostly British poets to pretend they were fictional European nationals can easily seem like a bad idea.

Why? because Bad Idea is the title of what I am writing now about Brexit. See here for a description of that latest project, here! Of course, it's Brexit that's a bad idea, although Idea is Michael Drayton's ideal woman (the sequence transposes Drayton's sonnets Idea).


Norman Jope’s review ‘Games Across Frontiers’ (Twitters for a Lark) appears in the new Tears in the Fence 69, Spring 2019: 122-127. See also Billy Mills: ‘Poetry after Brexit’ (Twitters for a Lark): Elliptical Movements (web), 13th May 2018.  Read this review  Here

There are rather a lot of references to the books and to EUOIA on this blog, so here are a few links to hubposts that have links to other posts and/or videos of the many performances by myself and collaborators (and sometimes not with me):

To find out more or less about the EUOIA check the EUOIA website which is still live at,