Průchová wrote Poems
Ekphrastic and Plastic while resident in Prague, where she worked in insurance. Since
going freelance as a poet she has published five more books. She is currently
writing a lengthy poem-biography of the artist Toyen (Marie Čermínová) of which
the third instalment, Artificialism, was published in 2013 by Stěhovací
If Britain votes to leave the EUOIA on 23rd June,
Robert Sheppard, the British representative of British imaginary authors, will
have to be excluded from his own anthology, EUOIA,
which he is conducting and collaboratively writing with other writers; at the
very least he will be moved to the Appendices with Frisland’s Hróbjartur
Ríkeyjarson af Dvala (whom he created with Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl). To find out
more or less about the EUOIA check the EUOIA website which is still live at, and there are
multiple posts on the subject of the EUOIA on this blog (use the keyword EUOIA
to see them all displayed, and then check).