Sunday, January 05, 2020

Robert Sheppard: A third Bad Idea poem appears on Stride

A sequential run of six sonnets from Bad Idea is to appear on Stride on the 1,3,5,7,9,11 January 2020. They are all versions of Michael Drayton’s sonnets from his Idea. (In short, my ‘bad’ idea is Brexit.)

Please check here for the latest:

‘Bad Idea’ XIV tells us of Brexite(e)rs: ‘their private dreams could be /our public nightmare.’ Like the day before yesterday’s posting, this feels prophetic. Here's a link straight to it.

6th January 2020: Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday. Patricia and I both suffering from food poisoning. I won't eat in Bread and Butter in Hope St again.

Bad Idea is described fully (with links to other poems from the work) here:

Or you can look up the eight online poems from Bad Idea that may be accessed from this post:

When all six have been posted I shall post a single post on Pages on 13th January to guide readers directly to them all.

Thanks to Rupert Loydell, Stride editor, for taking them all.